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Avatarlife virtual gaming parlour experience.

Sorry the viewer for your OS isn't ready yet

You can use a recommended third party viewer

Here's how

Guide to use Firestorm

Step 1:

Download Firestorm viewer from the link below.

Step 2:

Launch Firestorm and click on the below link to add AvatarLife to your Firestorm.

Step 3:

You are all set and you can login!

Login with your username(avatar name) and password.

If you are unable to login. Follow the below manual process.

Step 1:

Click on the OpenSim tab for Firestorm or Grids tab for Singularity.

Step 2:

Find where it says Add new grid (Firestorm) or Login URL: (Singularity -after clicking -Create).

Insert following URL


You should now see AvatarLife in the grid list.

In case of the following error:

"Could not add grid.avatarlife.com:8002 to grid list. Server did not provide grid info:0".

Try steps 1 & 2 again

If the error message is still there then please add the grid URL again


Step 3:

Return to the viewer front page.

Choose -AvatarLife from the grid list.

Login with your username(avatar name) and password.